When Harry Gregg’s family were involved in a tragic accident on the farm where they lived, his mum Laura McCarthy felt that her young son needed extra support to help him cope with the trauma. Here, Laura shares how tailored support from Just ‘B’ helped.
“We had an awful accident on our farm, when a barn we were converting collapsed, with my son Harry, my partner and father-in-law inside.
“While Harry, then aged 4, and my partner escaped, sadly my father-in-law was killed.
“Harry was already traumatised by being inside the barn when it happened, and then we had to tell him that his beloved Gramps had died in the accident.
“Our family’s whole world was turned upside down. Harry’s trauma and grief from such a sudden loss needed careful consideration. I knew we needed professional support and when school suggested Just ‘B’ it seemed like the ideal solution.
“The support was so beneficial to Harry. He wasn’t pressured into talking about anything. It was very much led by him and at his pace. Some days he maybe just wanted to play and others he would be sad. It’s such a lot for him to have to have dealt with but everything moved at Harry’s pace and was led by him.
“Harry was very close to his Gramps. As Harry grows and his language develops, he is bound to have questions and memories. So, I feel I know how to manage those questions when they arise. He still talks about Gramps and likes to look at photo books of him. Emma helped him find ways to remember the happy memories.
A specialist support worker, Emma, came into school every week to work with Harry. She was brilliant and Harry really got on with her.
“The support was so beneficial to Harry. He wasn’t pressured into talking about anything. It was very much led by him and at his pace. Some days he maybe just wanted to play and others he would be sad. It’s such a lot for him to have dealt with but everything moved at Harry’s pace and was led by him. They did activities together to encourage him to talk about how he was feeling, like clay modelling, playing games and sharing books.
“Emma gave me plenty of updates and a lot of help and support too. It’s also helped Harry to understand that it was a one in a million thing. We’re still living in the house next to the barn – so it’s daily reminder of what happened.
“Harry was very close to his Gramps. As Harry grows and his language develops, he is bound to have questions and memories. So, I feel I know how to manage those questions when they arise. He still talks about Gramps and likes to look at photo books of him. Emma helped him find ways to remember the happy memories.
“We’ve finished the sessions now; however I know if we need more support, or questions or worries, then I can just get in touch.
“It was everything we needed and more.
“We will be forever grateful for the support and kindness we received. Emma gave me ‘tools’ I am able to draw upon to help both Harry and my younger son Freddie. It has been so reassuring to me, as a mum, to know I am doing the right things to help my children. Thank you so much for giving us some quiet amongst the storm.”