Via Just ‘B’ Hear to Help, you can send a text message, email or call to request support, and you’ll receive a phone call from a trained specialist within one to five working hours (9am-5pm Monday-Friday). Just ‘B’ Hear to Help is free at the point of need.
Whether you’re feeling isolated, experiencing anxiety, of low mood, experiencing bereavement, or struggling with any aspect of your emotional wellbeing or mental health, our helpline can support you or signpost to specialist support.
We’re available across North Yorkshire.
Hear to Help can be accessed:
*Standard call/text charges apply
Just ‘B’ Hear to Help is not a mental health crisis service, but if you need to speak to someone in the event of a mental health crisis, call NHS 111 and choose option 2.
Our policies relating to accessing Hear to Help can be viewed below:
For details regarding safeguarding and use of data, please read our safeguarding and data statement.